Sunday, June 24, 2007

* ViCtOr HaRbOuR *

* Horse tram *

* Welcome to Granite Island, Adelaide *

* Bridge between Victor Harbour and Granite Island *

* Enjoying the breeze *

* Far view of Victor Harbour *

* Far view from the island *

* Different pattern of rocks *

* Beautiful and gorgeous rocks *

* Atlantic Ocean behind *

* Freezing *

* Nice grassland *

* Granite Island *

* Waves *

* Beautiful view *

* View from mid-summit of the island *

* Isn't a nice view? *

* It's windy *

* Path on the island *

Finally I've finished all my exams.. I'm free again!!

Today, went to Victor Harbour with Ren Bin. It took us one and a half hour to reach there. The scenery is really beautiful and the place is peace.. It's definately a nice town to relax yourself from the fast pace of the city. Stay overnight is a good choice where you can enjoy watching pengiun and whale in the night. Unfortunately, it was too late as we still need to drive back to the city so we did not manage to watch both pengiun and whale this time!! Maybe next time..

Friday, June 22, 2007

MiCrOeCoNoMiCs.. I hAtE yOu!!

One more day to go.. tomorrow, I'm going to have my last exam!! The last one for this semester.. finally lar!! Microeconomics is really hard.. lots of principles and graphs.. sienzz!! I really don't have any confident to pass this subject.. hope that I'm lucky tomorrow.. get at least 30 questions correct out of 40 in the objective section.. if not really will die!! This two weeks are just like hell.. everyday stay at my room.. keep studying.. 24 hours per day, exclude bathing, sleeping and eating, I have spent all my time doing my revision!! Hope everything goes smoothly during my exam tomorrow!!

26th June.. you are getting closer and closer to me!! In other words, I'm going back to Kuching soon.. a place where I can finally have a rest after this exhausting and torturing exam week. I'm going to eat lots of seafood and laksa!! A bowl of Sarawak Laksa in Adelaide will cost me AUD$ 8.50.. not delicious at all.. can't even compete with the worst one in Kuching!! After converting to Malaysian Ringgit, with AUD$ 8.50.. I can eat six bowl of delicious Sarawak Laksa.. can't even wait for it!! Yummy yummy..

It's already 3.30am now.. I'm still busy with my revision.. can't even sleep!! I think I better stop here and continue with my revision.. wish me all the best in my exam tomorrow ya!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007



我曾经对爱情抱有很大的期望... 那时,我对自己说过... 不可以对爱情太过于执着,否则伤的最深的总会是自己。懵懵懂懂的年代,纯纯的爱情... 总让人难以忘怀! 不得不相信命运... 老天总让我在错的时间遇到对的人或对的时间遇到错的人!!


A男生是我的初恋... 跟他在一起的日子很快乐,也有过很多的第一次。虽然还是分手了,但我们现在依然是很好很好的朋友。

B男生对我很好,等了我三年... 但我偏偏跟他合不来... 就好像冥冥之中安排好似的。

C男生和我应该属于一见钟情... 他让我答应他在高三毕业后,一定要到他那里上大学。我的父母都见过他... 我离开的那一天,他点了一首歌给我,弄得我哭笑不得!! 回到古晋后,在情人节那天收到他从远方寄来的礼物... 真的非常感动。但偏偏上天开了一个很大的玩笑,我爸决定让我到澳洲升学,错过了彼此!! 虽然我们都保持联络,但还是留下了遗憾... 听说,他明年会到澳洲来...

D男生和我的缘份当属最短!! 我们在今年的情人节那天偶然认识... 过后就一直保持联络!! 当他知道我要到澳洲升学时,非常伤心... 他曾经给过我承诺,说一定会等我...


爱,太多精彩... 只是谁才是自己想要的未来? 我的心一直在幸福门外徘徊...

Saturday, June 02, 2007

* ExAm Is CoMiNg .. HeAdAcHe *

* Scary view of the sky *

* Outdoor heater *

Adelaide is having raining season nowadays.. It has been raining for a week.. non-stop!! I can't even wash my clothes.. the wind is really strong!! The temperature has been decreasing since last week.. it's 9 degree celcius today!! Freezing..

It has been a long time since my previous post.. it was really a busy week for me with assignment and International Relations exam!! I just finished the exam this morning.. pretty pissed off that a guy cheated in class.. it was unfair for other students!! Dunno whether the tutor did discover it or not..

After the test, Anne, Brian, CK and I had our lunch at Chinatown. All of us ate Sarawak Laksa which cost each of us AUD$8.50 for just a small bowl. To be truth, it was not as delicious as those in Kuching although the shop owner is a Sarawakian!! Wtf.. can you imagine that we spent RM 25 to eat a bowl of Laksa which we can eat it for only RM 4 in Kuching??

Empire Pool Lounge was our next destination. We spent about three hours in the lounge.. Anne and CK was in a group while Brian and I was in another group. We started the compete.. It was pretty funny and full of fun.

At night, joined Christopher for dinner at O'Connell Street and played mahjong at my house with Edison and Takuya after that. Anyway, really enjoy the day.. Next week, still need to do my other 2500 word essay, discussing about US foreign policy. Busy again..