It has been a week's time since I came back to Kuching. A lot of unexpected things turn up recently... I found that it's impossible for me to deny the sober truth -- the familiar cordial & warm-hearted feelings which I used to obtain from Kuching has been decreased gradually.
Best friends are not around and most of my friends are overseas... despite that, days in Kuching are really boring... I spent my days by smsing with my boyfriend, chatting on msn or phone, onlining, watching drama, etc. So far, i've only met Khee Yiaw, Li Min, Jet, Bing Heng, Seow Sik... I think that's all... =(
Loneliness are surrounding me... I know i'll attain true happiness when i've learned to count my advantages rather than my misfortunes and to find more good things than bad things around me. I've tried my very best to cheer up but i just can't manage to get rid of the loneliness. Can anybody help me? It's really fidgeting...